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Imagine Your Ideal Valpo

valpo-nextYou read ValpoLife.com because you are involved and interested in the well-being of your community. You want the best possible community and you want to have a hand in it. I encourage Valparaiso residents to continue this involvement by joining the Valpo Next discussion.

Valpo Next aims to bring all segments of the city's population together to envision the next 5, 10, 20 years and beyond. The initiative will gather your ideas about how Valpo should look, feel and function as we move forward. Some say Valparaiso could be better, some say it's fine as is, some say it can be great. We can have the community we want - but not if we don't know and say what we want.

Please come to one of three Big Idea Workshops and share your vision of our future. Bring a neighbor! Please join us 5-7 p.m. Feb. 24 at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 1600 Roosevelt Rd., or 12-1:30 pm. Feb. 25 at Grace Chapel, 157 Lafayette St., or 7-9 p.m. Feb. 26 at Valparaiso High School, 2727 N. Campbell St.