Some USPS regulations are changing for 2013. Please make a note or file this for future reference.
1. Minimum self-mailer paper weight is #28. If you are planning on doing a self mailer (bi-fold or tri-fold) and you want to print it in-house, the minimum paper weight is 28lb. We will NOT be able to mail it if you bring it to us on the inexpensive 20lb photocopy paper.
2. The minimum wafer tab requirement is now 2. The minimum required wafer tabs for any self mailer is now two tabs or more. One tab in the middle on the top will no longer be accepted.
3. The minimum size of any tab is 1” in diameter. So the sheets of the smaller tabs at the office supply store will no longer qualify.
4. Tabs at the top only. A mail piece with the open edges at the bottom is no longer mailable at discounted rates.
5. Tri-Fold Mail Panel. If you are designing a tri-fold the mail panel MUST be in the center 1/3 as shown.
6. Postage Increase – for budget purposes, estimated postage will go up about 1 cent per piece.
7. Aqueous or UV Coatings – we will no longer be able to produce self adhesive labels with the new IMB barcode. If your mail piece is varnish coated, you will not get the automation postage discounts.
Please contact us BEFORE you design and print your mail piece. It is always our pleasure to assist you in any way we can, just give us a call 464-9871