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Indiana Schools Reach New Heights on AP Tests

Indiana-Department-of-EducationSchool-Level Results Show More Schools than Ever Before Achieving 25 Percent Goal

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) released 2011 school-level Advanced Placement (AP) exam data today. The results show more Indiana schools than ever are reaching the state’s goal for 25 percent of high school graduates to pass AP exams. Overall, 61 percent of public schools increased AP pass rates from 2010 to 2011.

Indiana must maintain and grow a world-class workforce ready to meet the demands of a 21st century economy,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett said. “These results are one important indicator that more of our students are acquiring the skills necessary to leave high school prepared for college and the workforce.”

AP provides students access to challenging, post-secondary experiences in high school. A student who passes an AP test receives college credit with a score of 3, 4 or 5 on a 1 to 5 scale. AP testing is one measure Indiana uses as an indicator of college and career readiness—along with International Baccalaureate exams, dual credit and technical certifications.

Upon taking office, Dr. Bennett set a statewide AP pass rate goal of 25 percent. This year, 25 schools reached the new benchmark—compared to eight schools in 2008. Indiana’s overall passing percentage for graduates was 14 percent, which is also an all-time high. The IDOE measures the total percentage of 2011 graduates statewide who passed an AP exam during high school.

Moreover, the state’s improvement in percentage of graduates passing an AP test over the last two years is the second largest in the nation. Since 2008, the number of graduates passing AP exams increased by more than 40 percent, and the number of students taking AP exams increased by more than 60 percent.

This exciting news shows Indiana students are headed in the right direction,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett said. “Across the board, every measure of academic success is at or near a record high. Our educators and students deserve all the credit in the world for these impressive results.”

Signature School in Evansville recorded the highest pass rate in Indiana history, with 90 percent of its graduates receiving a passing score. Three Indiana schools—Blue River Valley Junior-Senior High School in New Castle, Speedway Senior High School and South Putnam High School—improved pass rates by more than 15 percent.

The hard work and determination displayed by these school communities should be celebrated across the state,” Dr. Bennett said. “Their success shows no goal is too steep for Hoosier educators and students to meet and exceed.”

View Indiana’s AP scores by school and school corporation using the attached spreadsheet. For more information about the AP testing program, visit http://apcentral.collegeboard.com.