Home»Sports»High Schools»Introducing Colin Stiscak, VHS Cross Country Senior

Introducing Colin Stiscak, VHS Cross Country Senior

Colin Stiscak is a Senior at Valparaiso High School, he is also a Valparaiso High School Cross Country Runner. He has ran this season on the Varsity team. Colin chose Cross County as a sport he wanted to succeed in because of his brother. Colin's brother also ran Cross Country and he would go to his brothers meets. Watching his brother run inspired Colin to go out for Cross Country as well.

He ran his first 5k/Road Race when he was 15. It was the "Midnight River Run" In Terre Haute.

Colin's favorite course to run is the New Prairie Course. New Prairie is a course that is run by several dozen schools to qualify for State. His PR (personal record) was ran on the Rennsselaer Course. His time was 17:02.

Colin enjoys running in the rain when it is very cool out, about 50 degrees. His favorite thing to eat the night before a race is pasta.

His favorite thing of the 2010 Season he said was, "Winning Conference"! He was the sixth man scorer on the team and Valpo Varsity XC Team won the Conference.

Colin is a Senior so this is his last year on the team. When I asked what he would miss most, he said, "The Team". Even though the season will be ending soon, and there will be no more morning practices, Colin says he still plans to get up and run anyway.

One question I asked all the Seniors..."Since we are in the shadow of the Chicago Marathon, do you see yourself ever running it?" Colin said, he might like to run it after he finishes college.

Thanks for an awesome season Colin. Don't loose sight of your goals, and you will continue to succeed.

Photo #1 Colin right after running sectionals Oct. 12, 2010
Photo #2 Colin running at Culver. His time was17:11
Photo #3 Colin running the DAC Conference. His time was 17:15