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Join Habitat for Humanity in Dedication of Their 14th Home

Habitat-for-Humanity-14th-DedicationHabitat for Humanity of Porter County is pleased to invite you to the dedication of our 14th home on Sunday, August 14th, at 2 p.m. The new home is located at 408 North Morgan.

Please join us as we welcome Kelly Goodan and her family, our Partner Family, as we dedicate her home and welcome her as a Valparaiso resident.

This project has been a unique opportunity of support and cooperation between many groups who came together to make this home a reality. Here are some of the partnerships that developed to bring this project to a reality.

  • The North Morgan building site was an empty lot as a result of a razed home. Working with the City, Habitat arranged the opportunity to build a new home on the site and contribute Urban Renewal to the neighborhood as well as a new home for Kelly and her family.
  • Jon Groth and Brian Doane from the Porter County Career and Technical center provided building trades students who worked on the home through the school year. The students invested many hours of work on the home and did many tasks including rough framing, dry wall installation, and exterior trim and siding.
  • The mechanical systems were all installed with volunteer Union Labor, coordinated by Harry Rosenthal of IBEW Local 322 and Four Seasons Mecanical.
  • Volunteers from Gariup Construction completed the driveway installation.
  • The Grounds Specialist donated labor and materials for the landscaping.
  • The VU Track Team spent a day framing the wall sections for the home.
  • Kelly’s family, friends, and coworkers provided the labor to erect the walls for the home.
  • As with all Habitat projects, many individual Habitat volunteers worked on the project and made this new home a reality.
  • The many generous monetary contributions by residents and organizations in our community.

Habitat-for-HumanityWe are thankful for all of these volunteers coming together in a unique way to make Kelly’s home become a reality.

As we prepare for the dedication service on August 14th, we also look forward to your participation in the dedication service and helping recognize all of the volunteers involved with the project.