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Join the Region Sports Network Friday Night Team!

rsn-logoFootball is king in the Region. At the Region Sports Network that means we’re expanding the roster to provide the highest quality coverage in Northwest Indiana. If you think you have what it takes to make our team, send me your resume and maybe you’ll get to join us for some Friday Night Lights - Region Football style.


SALES – Local businesses love to be a part of the coverage and want to advertise their product and services on our football network. There’s good money to be made selling effective and affordable commercial radio spots, print advertising and dynamic online graphic ads.

ASST. SPORTS DIRECTOR – With over a dozen local sports websites, we’re looking for someone who can assist in generating content and breaking news while helping the RSN’s web presence grow. The Assistant Sports Director will also play a key role in research, information gathering and formatting, as well as broadcast preparation.

SPORTS WRITING – We have several needs in this area including but not limited to game write-ups, previews, team reports, feature stories, historical items and more.

VIDEO – The RSN shoots more game footage than anybody else on the local scene. We need people who know how to shoot quality sports video and edit it into entertaining highlight packages.

PHOTO – The RSN shoots tens of thousands of images every football season. If you're a photographer with your own gear who's looking to make some Friday night cash, contact us before the season starts.

ON-AIR OPPORTUNITIES – Stringers, studio production, Color analysts, Play-by-play and more.

If you think you can help the RSN this football season, tell us how by sending an email that includes your contact information and work history to: jobs@regionsports.com