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Join the Relay for Life of Duneland

relayLogoStart Building Your Team Today As We Continue Progress Toward A Cure

Cancer continues to remain the #1 health concern for Americans. The good news is that nearly half of all cancer deaths are preventable and events like Relay For Life not only educate people on what they can do to reduce their cancer risk, but also raise funds that lead to better treatment and more lives saved.

All of us who Relay are helping to save lives from cancer,” stated Jane Delligatti, Event Chair. “Everything we do at Relay For Life contributes to reducing cancer mortality and incidences. Whether it’s raising dollars that support free patient services and research or volunteering to commit to advocacy and education efforts – we’re all a part of the fight and we need the community’s help.”

This year’s Relay will be held from noon – 6 a.m., July 14 and 15 and Chesterton Middle School, 651 W. Morgan Ave., Chesterton. While the event is still several months away, event planners are currently recruiting more teams to join the event. Teams are often made up of co-workers, friends and family members. Many businesses, schools, organizations and religious groups also build teams. Prior to the Relay event, team members raise dollars by fundraising and securing sponsorships. During Relay For Life, teams camp out overnight and take turns walking a track in an effort to raise awareness and funds in the fight against cancer.

This year marks the seventh year for Relay For Life of Duneland. At the event, the Luminaria and Survivor Ceremonies offer us time to remember those who we’ve lost and celebrate those who have won the battle, while the Fight Back Ceremony gives everyone a chance to make a personal commitment to take action against cancer throughout the year.

If you are interested in starting or joining a team, log on to relayforlife.org/dunelandin. If you’re not able to join a team, simply log on to make a donation. For more information, call Jane Delligatti at (219) 929-5875. Together we can create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.