Kankakee Valley REMC Operation RoundUp Trust grant program has given back over $600,000 to community non-profit organizations as it marks its 11th year of giving. “We have our members to thank for their generous contributions by rounding up their electric bills to the next even dollar each month,” stated Amanda Steeb, Communications/Marketing Director and Operation RoundUp Coordinator for the cooperative.
Shults-Lewis Child & Family Services was one of the latest recipients of a Kankakee Valley REMC Operation RoundUp grant. The organization received a grant in the amount of $3,500 to purchase interactive whiteboards and projectors for the accredited Shults-Lewis school to have access to a multi-media presentation tool. The smart boards/whiteboards will allow students the ability to view academic subjects in new and interactive ways. Shults-Lewis Child & Family Services provides shelter, Christian hope and education for children at risk. The facility includes seven homes, hospitality house and an on-site school, fully accredited by the State of Indiana that provides a well-rounded curriculum allowing students to earn high school credits and a high school diploma.
“We are excited to provide this grant to Shults-Lewis Child & Family Services. As a member of Kankakee Valley REMC and an important aspect in the community, we know the lives they are touching daily in the classroom environment. The purchase of smart boards will allow Shults-Lewis faculty to reach students in a more visual, real-world way.” stated Steeb.
Kankakee Valley REMC members who participate each month contribute an average of only $6.00 per year. A few cents from each member adds up to a significant amount of assistance to organizations in the community. Approximately 50% of the Kankakee Valley REMC membership participates in the program. All donations are placed in a trust fund, which is administered by a local board of directors for Kankakee Valley REMC Operation RoundUp.
Kankakee Valley REMC, located in Wanatah, Indiana is a member-owned rural electric cooperative serving approximately 18,000 members throughout Starke, Pulaski, Porter, Lake, Marshall, St. Joseph and LaPorte County.
Photo: Amanda Steeb, Operation RoundUp Coordinator presents a grant to Ray Crowder, Executive Director of Shults-Lewis Child & Family Services.