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Do You Have What It Takes? Kelsey’s 6 Pound Steak Challenge

kelseyssteakchallengeKelsey’s Steakhouse in Valparaiso is known around the region for its quality steak selection and service. But did you know that it is also home to a fun, flavorful, food challenge?

The Kelsey’s six-pound challenge invites patrons to test their limits. Those who are up for the challenge must eat a 96 oz. (six-pound) top sirloin steak, their choice of potato, a small house salad or soup and a slice of bread, all in an hour’s time.

So far, just a few brave people have been victorious.

The cost of the meal is $42.95 but if you succeed in stuffing yourself in the allotted amount of time, it’s free. Reservations are required at least three days in advance to take on the challenge. Many people attempt the feat on their birthday or other occasions of celebration, sometimes in groups of family or friends.

In 2011, the Kelsey’s challenge was featured on the Travel Channel’s “Big Beef Paradise” special. Local football coaches were invited to take part of the challenge. The film crew and community members gathered to watch in anticipation, and while not one of the coaches could finish the meal, it was a good time for all involved.

Kelsey’s owner Michelle Prosser recently announced a special promotion featuring the challenge. From March 1st until June 30th, customers who complete the challenge not only get the meal for free but also a Kelsey’s t-shirt and $100.00 gift-card. The restaurant will also be adding a Wall of Fame/Shame in the near future for those who take on the foodie feat.

Many people who attempt the challenge try to train before the event.

“Physically, it’s not a very easy thing to do,” says Prosser, but that shouldn’t dissuade people from trying she insists. “No one I personally know has attempted it, but most recently, I remember a UFC fighter completing it. He wasn’t a very big guy, but he did it!”

For your chance to take part of the new 6-pound challenge promotion, make reservations at (219) 465-4022. The 6-pound challenge is unavailable Fridays and Saturdays.