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Kyle and Steve Accidentally Explore the Natural Beauty of Robbinhurst Golf Club

LIFERS Kyle and Steve recently stumbled across an intriguing flyer for Robbinhurst Golf Club’s 40th Anniversary Golf Outing and Dinner on June 19th. For Kyle, the opportunity to get outdoors and have some fun with friends had him more than excited for the outing. And for Steve, the chance to enjoy the outing’s delicious prime rib and wash it down with Journeyman Distillery drinks while he relished in another golfing victory over Kyle had him more than ready to hit the links.

Only problem is Kyle had never graduated past the astroturf, windmills, and pirate ship lined holes of putt-putt to the sweeping swaths of fresh cut fairways and cathartic ping of a flush hit driver. And as bad as Steve wanted to win, the taste of the Journeyman after the outing just wouldn’t be as smooth with a victory over a first-timer.

But Andrew Elderkin and the staff at Robbinhurst have the perfect remedy for that: their four hole special ($6 to walk, $12 to ride) that allows golfers to get out on their lunch break and shake off the rust.

In just under an hour Kyle and Steve were able to get in four holes of “competitive” golf, and Kyle was able to get in enough swings to get a basic grip on the game. He even managed to hit a few shots hard enough to lose Steve’s golf balls into the woods, the water, and virtually every place one could conceivably lose a ball on a golf course on.

“I love the wide open space of the course,” Kyle said during the four-hole challenge, as he ripped a line drive in the opposite direction of the hole and into the only small patch of woods around.

For Steve, who has played enough times to be able to call himself “OK” at golf, the four hole special was a great opportunity to get the cobwebs off the putter and relearn all the excuses for bad shots he had forgot over the winter months.

Some excuses mentioned to Kyle during the hour were: “I had a big breakfast; I am just testing out this new club today; it takes me a round or two to really hone in my natural slice;” and “these wind gusts are really messing with me.”

Steve did manage to take a break from the excuses long enough to notice just how good of shape the course his balls were chaotically flying all over was in, though.

“The course is beautiful, absolutely beautiful,” Steve said. “There’s one thing that can make or break any golf course no matter how naturally beautiful the surrounding area is and that is how much care is put into the maintenance of the course. And at Robbinhurst, you can absolutely tell they care.”

At the end of the four holes, Kyle and Steve both agreed that it was probably best there were no winners tonight, besides themselves, who had successfully defeated another mundane lunch break with an awesomely good time golfing.

Yet, while there was no winner today, there will be June 19th. All bets are off at the outing, there’s prime rib involved, after all.