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Larson-Danielson partners with the University of Notre Dame to create unique dormitory

Larson-Danielson partners with the University of Notre Dame to create unique dormitory

Some things stand the test of time. Larson-Danielson Construction builds those things. 

Specializing in quality construction that remains for generations, Larson-Danielson has partnered with another long-lasting institution to build a dormitory like no other. 

Winning a competitive bid in October 2022, Larson-Danielson began construction of a four-story dormitory on the campus of the University of Notre Dame in November 2022. Located on the east end of campus, the new dormitory is set to be completed in 2024.

“Notre Dame had the foresight to contract out the earthwork before putting out the general contract bid or the bid for the whole project,” Nick Larson, vice president of Larson-Danielson, said. “They had a hole in the ground ready for concrete as we were bidding on the project. The moment that we heard we were awarded the project, the clock started ticking. We were ready for concrete within the week.”

The dormitory is approximately 79,500 square feet with dormitories on the second through fourth floors and common support areas and a few dormitory rooms on the first floor. Planning and supervising the construction of a structure of this kind is no easy task. 

“We're doing foundations right now,” Nick Larson said. “We're putting block walls up here through the winter. We'll be doing some stuff that a lot of projects don't do during the winter. Some general contractors specifically modify schedules to avoid having to do winter conditions, but we're going to be heating anything that we need to. Hopefully, it's a mild winter, but we’re working straight through to maintain progress on it.” 

Combining quality and innovation, the new dormitory includes unique features in the design. 

“One of the interesting things is that the dormitory is going to have a ground-level archway through it, joining the north and south sides of the building,” Tim Larson, former president of Larson-Danielson, said.  “Students, instead of having to travel around the dormitory, can travel through the building at the ground level on a sidewalk.” 

This is not the first project that Larson-Danielson has completed for the University of Notre Dame. The companies have had a strong working relationship for the past 20 years, but the relationship is far older.

“We found in our files a couple of years ago a project from 1922 with Notre Dame,” Tim Larson said. “We didn't realize we had been doing business as a partner with Notre Dame for 100 years.”

A perfect pairing, Larson-Danielson and the University of Notre Dame have similar standards for high-quality construction and longevity in their work. 

“It takes a lot of quality and close attention to detail to make sure projects are built correctly and will stand the test of time,” Tim Larson said. “Notre Dame doesn’t build buildings to last a few years; they are built to last centuries. It takes quality and attention to detail to make sure it's done right in the first place.”

The dormitory project is just one of several that Larson-Danielson and the University of Notre Dame are working on together. Some others are the new construction of the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art, renovations at Alumni Hall, a renovation of the Grand Reading Room at Hesburgh Library, and a renovation at Nieuwland Hall.

“Larson-Danielson is really excited to have the relationship that we do with Notre Dame,” Nick Larson said. “We are very grateful for that. It’s a very positive partnership.”

For more information on Larson-Danielson, visit ldconstruction.com/.