Home»Community»Worship»LaSalle Council of the Boy Scouts of America hosting Day of Prayer Breakfast on May 7th

LaSalle Council of the Boy Scouts of America hosting Day of Prayer Breakfast on May 7th

day-of-prayer-2015The LaSalle Council of the Boy Scouts of America is hosting their 10th Annual National Day of Prayer Community Breakfast on Thursday, May 7, 2015, at Old Town Banquet Center, 711 Calumet Ave., Valparaiso.

The featured guest speaker is Reverend Monsignor Michael Heintz, PhD. Fr. Michael is a priest with the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend and rector of St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in Theology, is Director of Divinity Services at the University of Notre Dame, and is Chaplain to the National Baseball Umpires’ Association.

The program begins at 7:15 am, ending with a Benediction at 8:50 am. Program emcee will be Lonnie Steele. The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.

The Valparaiso Area event, coordinated by the Boy Scouts of America is local Scouting’s way of honoring religious traditions and practices. Proceeds from the event go directly to support local Boy Scouting across Porter County, including support for camp facilities which can be in danger of closing down without ample financial support from the community.

Days of prayer have been called for throughout our history. President Roosevelt called our nation to prayer before D-Day. Before the battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln turned to God in prayer. The founding fathers called for prayer during the Constitutional Convention.

The Harris Interactive 2005 study “Values of Scouts: A Study of Ethics and Character” states "A scout is reverent. He is reverent toward God. He is faithful to his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion."

Tickets are $25 for individuals, $100 for two tickets with recognition, $200 for table of 8 or $250 for table of 8 with recognition. Event sponsorships are still available. Tickets are available by contacting Jon C. Miller, 219-841-2425 or Don Bengel, 219-463-0690 or by emailing portercountyscouting@gmail.com.

The LaSalle Council BSA serves over 1,500 youth annually through their Scouting programs.

For more information, visit the LaSalle Council website at www.lasallecouncilbsa.org/Districts/Dunes%20Moraine