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Leadership Northwest Indiana (LNI) Program Accepting Nominations and Applications for its 39th Class

Leadership-Northwest-IndianaLeadership Northwest Indiana (LNI), a program of the South Shore Leadership Center will begin its 39th class starting Sept. 24. Serving to connect leaders across industry, business, education, healthcare and nonprofit sectors, LNI is a dedicated to educating region leaders on the tremendous assets in Northwest Indiana as well as the challenges we face while promoting leadership development. The Center is currently looking for strong community leaders to participate in the upcoming LNI class that begins September 24 and runs through June 2016. The mission of LNI is to increase awareness of regional issues among a diverse group of community leaders and build leadership capacity throughout the region. The LNI program develops a source of informed, civic-oriented, servant leaders who will help direct the future of our region. Through this structured 10-month program, participants will learn about the characteristics, resources, needs and opportunities facing our seven-county region.

Each class, chosen twice annually, is a carefully selected group of men and women, representing a variety of backgrounds, industry sectors, organizations and communities, who are chosen to participate in this dynamic leadership development program. Each class meets once a month for an entire day with each session focusing on topical issues such as education, civic engagement, transportation, land use planning, media communications, social services/healthcare, arts and culture, environment, economic development, and cultural diversity. The curriculum is developed around the One Region - Northwest Indiana Quality of Life Indicators Report. Nominations and applications may be submitted online at www.southshorelc.org or by email leadership@southshorelc.org through September 18.

To learn more about LNI and other programs and projects of the South Shore Leadership Center, please visit www.southshorelc.org or call 219-465-6818 x102.