Well, we're heading in to the seventh weekend in the college football season and, just like every other season, we're heading for another winter of controversy.
Last night, the 8th ranked Cincinnati Bearcats defeated the 21st ranked South Florida Bulls in what will likely be their last competitive football game for the year. The Bearcats will likely finish the season undefeated on the year, and in first place of their conference, the Big East. The Big East is a BCS Conference, meaning that it is technically considered one of the top 6 or 7 conferences in the nation.
That means, we're headed for a likely Florida-Cincinnati championship game, which will anger just about anyone who is a fan of college football, because Cincinnati is not anywhere near as good of a team as many currently in the Top 10. But they'll still get into the championship game since there are no playoffs in college football. Why aren't there any playoffs? You tell me.
So, on the reassuring note that I won't have to pay any attention to college football for the rest of the 2009-10 season, I give to you the Links of the Week:
This blog post has GOT to be in the top five of the Top Ten Signs You Spend Too Much Time Listening to Bill Simmons' Podcasts
There were a lot of movie news stories out this week, so let's just do a quick run down of the highlights:
- The Toy Story 3 cast was announced AND they released the movie's trailer
- Ugh. They're making an Independence Day sequel...
- True Blood fans will like this one
- They are relaunching the Jack Ryan movies (Clear and Present Danger, Patrioit Games, The Hunt for Red October, The Sum of All Fears) with the guy from the new Star Trek
- Here is a Roger Ebert rant about 3-D movies that needed to be written about ten years ago
On one hand, I feel bad for this guy. On the other hand, we've all been there before.
Here is a piece in the LA Times about Stephen Colbert and his ability to get just about anything named after him. When I was in college, I watched the Colbert Report just about every day, mainly because I could A) catch one of the five daily re-runs on Comedy Central or B) stay up past 10:30. Colbert has a NASA space modlule, a beetle, a college mascot, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor, and a countless number of other totally random things named after him. It's a good article about how people passively follow some celebrities, and how some celebrities create an active following. Good stuff.
BREAKING NEWS: The price of chicken wings are getting out of control! Since everywhere (and I mean everywhere), is selling wings for cheap, the demand has become so high that prices for the wings have become higher than the prices for breasts. Here's a New York Times article that goes even further into the matter, showing that boneless wings are now even cheaper than, um... boned (?) wings.
This week, Sports Illustrated's Joe Posnaski breaks down who he thinks are baseball's Ten Best Hitters Ever. Curiously, Albert Pujols has already cracked the top ten, ranking in ahead of Mickey Mantle, Ty Cobb, and Jimmie Foxx. While Pujols, who hasn't even played ten years yet, is on track to pass many of those players, Posnaski should take a step back, take a deep breath, and put Pujols back a few spots. Great, yes. Top ten, though, no.
Do you want to read about a billionaire throw a hissy-fit because ESPN won't send reporters to his preseason basketball games in the middle of football season? Of course you do, that's what I'm here for!
My Halloween costume, definitely.
I think the Spike Website's content developers know exactly what people use the internet for. For example, here is a list of the Top 10 Creepiest Commercial Mascots of All Time.
Ok, so a few weeks ago, I was sitting on my couch watching a DVR'd version of Saturday Night Live (no commercials!). I had read a twitter update earlier that day from Seth Myers, the head writer of SNL, saying that Lady Gaga's second performance of the night was one of the most memorable he had ever seen. Honestly, I had never heard of a Lady Gaga song before in its entirety and had planned on skipping right on past it. But since my interest was piqued, I watched. Fast forward to today, almost a full three weeks later, and I still can't accurately describe the performance. Strange? Yes. Good? Probably. Was she wearing a gyrosphere on her head? Yes. So here is this week's video of the Week: Lady Gaga's SNL Medley.