I think I may give up on Entourage.
I've watched HBO's hit show, now in its sixth season, since the beginning. Entourage is not that bad of a show, it just is not that good. Each week, the premise of the show seems so good, and then 25 minutes later it ends disappointing. It's like you were expecting an A on a paper, and end up with a B-minus. So, why don't I just stop watching it? Because next week's is supposed to be so good! Mark Titus of the Club Trillion blog once wrote, "If wives and husbands gave each other as many chances as I've given Entourage, there'd never be divorce." I know how he feels.
So, while feeling empathy for those people that watch shows they really don't like, but choose to anyway, I give you The Links of the Week:
People who don't play fantasy football generally think anyone who does play fantasy football is a dork. This is not true. However, if you play fantasy football and have fantasy football insurance then yes, you're a dork.

Seriously, that dolphin should be wearing the Dolphins' helmet, right?
The NFL is obviously America's most popular sport. So it must be perfect, right? Well, ESPN's Dave Dameshek offers 6 mostly-serious ways to fix the NFL, including making the dolphin on the Miami Dolphins' helmet wear the actual Dolphins helmet. Makes sense to me.
This woman got fired over Facebook. Why? She became friends with her boss, then proceeded to blast her boss every which way on her status update. So, her boss sees her update in his feed and fires her. Lesson is, as always, don't write anything on Facebook you wouldn't want everyone you are friends with to see.
One of the best blogs on the internet (besides this one, of course) is that of entrepreneur Mark Cuban. Cuban, you may recognize, is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, HDnet channels, and about a billion other entities. About two or three times each week, he tackles another subject, like "How the Internet is About to Change" or "What an Entrepreneur Should Not Do". It's good reading for business-minded people.
Watch the 2009 Sauna World Championships! What are the Sauna World Championships, you ask? Well, people sit in a sauna that is heated up to 230 degrees, and the last man in there wins. In case you were wondering, yes this was televised, and yes there was an audience at the event.
In one of those "Now I very well may go punch a wall or rip out my hair" articles, the Wall Street Journal tackles what we all want to know: "How Long Does It Take an Athlete to Make 100 Grand?" Ugh.

Remake of the Yellow Submarine, featuring Fran Drescher as the Blue Meanie!
TIME.com went through the web and marked the 50 Best Websites for 2009. I love these kinds of lists because they really don't matter, but they are great time-wasters. Unfortunately, ValpoLife.com barely missed the cut and was rated #51. Maybe next year.
They are planning on remaking the Beatles' animated classic, Yellow Submarine in CGI. I think this breaks the record for the fastest news can come to my ear and me immediately think "bad idea".
National Football Post's Michael Lombardi runs through the changes of the Super Bowl odds of every team from right after the Super Bowl to today, as a means of judging the best off-season moves across the league. Great read, Go Bears.
This certainly is one of those issues they really didn't have to deal with 50 years ago: What happens to your profiles after you die? Think about it, you've got your Facebook account, Gmail, Yahoo, bank accounts, your ValpoLife membership-- so many accounts that are all only accessible with a secret password hopefully only you know about. What happens to those accounts when you pass away? It may be a little morbid to think about, but there is a ton of information, some of it personal, some of it ancillary, that you may or may not want other people to know about. TIME.com offers an article about How To Manage Your Online Life When You're Dead. Interesting read for a relatively new problem.
Until next time.