Home»Entertainment»Theatre»Listen to Your Mother 2016 Audition Season Begins

Listen to Your Mother 2016 Audition Season Begins

LTYM-Audition-Season-2016What's your mother story? We want to hear it!
“Listen to Your Mother: It’s a cliché, it’s the fifth commandment, and it’s an imperative for curbing children young and old from poor life choices like jaywalking and sixty-four-ounce sodas,” LTYM founder and National Director Ann Imig begins in the foreword of Listen To Your Mother: What She Said Then, What We’re Saying Now from Putnam & Sons. “Listening forges bonds between people, strengthens connections, and builds community.”

We all have a mother story — whether it’s our own unique perspective of motherhood, involving our Moms (or not), or even one passed down from her mother. Ann inspires with her call to really hear the story inside you, “…from hope to hilarity and heartbreak and back again– think about your own story. Consider writing it down. You don’t need a blog, a book, or even a show to find your motherhood voice — you need only listen.”

Auditions for #LTYM 2016 are beginning in our 41 cities. Find an LTYM city near you – each city site will be stay up-to-date as audition dates are announced.

What’s your mother story? Write it down — what she said then, what you’re saying now — it’s begging to be heard.

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Alumni News
New York city alum and LTYM book contributor Kathy Curto had her essay "Faith, Writing, and New Jersey Dinners" published on talkingwriting.com.

Kansas City alum Mary Katherine Kerbs was selected for publication by Mizzou Law's Journal of Dispute Resolution.

Milwaukee alum Elaine Maly won the 2015 Wisconsin Writers Association’s humor writing contest for her essay “No Comprende” AND won Ex Fabula’s September story slam!

Indianapolis co-producer 2013-2015 Judy Miller published her second book Writing to Heal Adoption Grief: Making Connections & Moving Forward.

Pam Moore, Boulder co-producer 2013-2015, published There's No Room For Fear in a Burley Trailer in November 2015.

Good news? Updates to share? Email listentoyourmothershow@gmail.com, subject line "alumni news"

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