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Local Girl Scouts Put Safety First with Skatepark First Aid Station

Local Girl Scouts Put Safety First with Skatepark First Aid Station

A trio of dedicated Girl Scouts from Troop 35141 are  making a big impact on their community's favorite skateboarding spot. Araya Hlinsky, Katie  Plath, and Olivia Muzzalupo recently completed their Silver Award project by designing,  building, and installing a much-needed First Aid station at the popular Flounder & Friends  Skatepark. 

The Silver Award is the highest honor a Cadette Girl Scout can achieve, and it requires them to  identify a need in their community and take action to address it. Recognizing the potential for  scrapes and bumps at the skatepark, the girls saw an opportunity to enhance safety for everyone  who enjoys the facility. 

"We wanted to do something that would benefit everyone in our community," said Araya  Hlinsky. "The skatepark is a popular spot, and we thought a First Aid station would be a great  way to help people out if they get hurt." 

The girls meticulously planned their project, measuring the space, researching materials, and  creating a budget. They then used their Girl Scout cookie earnings to purchase the necessary  supplies, including lumber, paint, and a first-aid kit. Finally, with teamwork and determination,  they constructed the station themselves. 

"We learned a lot about budgeting, construction, and working together as a team," said Katie  Plath. "It feels great to know that our project will help people who get hurt at the skatepark." 

Olivia Muzzalupo added, "We're proud of what we accomplished and hope the First Aid station  will be a valuable resource for the community." 

Valpo Parks is thrilled with the girls' initiative. "This First Aid station is a fantastic addition to  the skatepark," said Kevin Nuppnau, Park Director. "We appreciate the Girl Scouts' dedication to  safety and their commitment to making our community a better place." 

The Girl Scouts of 35141 commend Araya, Katie, and Olivia for their outstanding Silver Award  project. Their hard work and dedication exemplify the core values of Girl Scouting – leadership,  citizenship, and courage – and will ensure a safer environment for all park users.