Three Northwest Indiana JAG students competed at the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) 12th Annual Career Development Conference on May 8, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 170 students from across the state were required to switch gears and adjust to the new normal, as they competed in 12 categories, while using technology in new ways.

JAG is a national organization dedicated to preventing young people who are most at-risk from dropping out of high school. “Our Northwest Indiana regional JAG program provides students an advantage and helps them reach their fullest potential both in school and on the job,” said Linda Woloshansky, President & CEO of the Center of Workforce Innovations and staff to the Northwest Indiana Workforce. The Northwest Indiana Workforce Board oversees the regional JAG program. Nationally, JAG has served over 1.4 million young people since 1980 and has helped move them towards productive and rewarding careers. “We are proud to have had three local students compete at this year’s state conference,” added Woloshansky.

Marlin Walker from River Forest High School placed first in Public Speaking, Alayiah Jones from Hammond High School received first place in Writing Skills, and Brittany Sanders from Westside Leadership Academy received Honorable Mention for Outstanding Senior and was one of four in the state who also received the JAG National Ken Smith Scholarship.
The Northwest Indiana Workforce Board administered JAG program is currently in 13 Northwest Indiana schools.
For further information about the local JAG program, contact Tamara Stump at the Center of Workforce Innovations at 219.462.2940, ext. 1032 or