Home»Community»Serving»Local Organizations Team Up to Help the Hilltop House

Local Organizations Team Up to Help the Hilltop House

From 8 AM to 5 PM, on April 27th the Valparaiso University football team, Morgan Township National Honors Society, the Valparaiso High School Vikettes and the board members of the Hilltop House worked together on a service project to repaint the Hilltop Neighborhood House, which operates as an Early Childhood Program and food pantry.

Michelle Michaels, director of the repainting of the Hilltop House, shares a little bit about how the event was going:

"We have approximately 75 people coming and going here today to help out. We are really thankful that Papa Johns and Family Express are helping us out by donating pizza, water and donuts for all the workers."

Amber Dippo, a teacher at Morgan Township High School and advisor of the Nation Honors Society Club was ecstatic that the National Honors Society kids had chosen this event as their service project.

"It's really wonderful for our kids to get to work together in the community outside of the school environment," she said. "It's so it nice to get into the community to see others helping as well. I think their favorite part of the day was painting the rainbow colored columns".

Grace Gass, president of the Honors Society, shared her favorite part of community project, saying, "It’s been really fun helping paint! It’s cool to see how well everyone works so well together even though I've never meet a lot of these people before, but we are all working towards the same cause. It makes me feel good that I'm helping."

The repainting of the Hilltop house was a wonderful way to get people working together for a good cause and everyone’s help and hard work will not go unnoticed. The children of the Hilltop House and it’s employees will appreciate the newly painted building. With everyone doing their part and working as a team, the Repainting of the Hilltop House was a huge success and a great improvement to our community.

Click here for more photos from the event!

