Home»Entertainment»Arts»Local Painter Creates Murals at Porter County Animal Shelter

Local Painter Creates Murals at Porter County Animal Shelter

Shirley-Massey-Mural-ProjectWhen Shirley Massey paints, the enjoyment is obvious. She has a smile on her face the entire time.

She started drawing and painting as a young girl and found a love for it immediately. And she hasn’t stopped since.

Massey now shares her passion for art with the community as an instructor for Porter County Parks and Recreation, where she has taught decorative painting lessons for a little more than a year.

The feelings I have for painting are both simple and complex,” Massey said. “I am always amazed at how using color and contrast can make a flat surface seem dimensional. I can stand back away from something I have been working on, and even ask myself, ‘How did I do that?’

Massey has passed along her love of painting to her students during the weekly classes she teaches at Sunset Hill Farm.

And now, along with her work at Porter County Parks and Recreation, Shirley is donating her time to the Porter County Animal Shelter, where she has volunteered to paint three murals during the week of March 21 to 27.

The project was originally suggested in February, when Porter County Commissioner Nancy Adams decided the walls at the shelter needed some brightening.

I just thought (the murals) would look really nice in the animal shelter,” Adams said. “I thought it would be something cheery and more inviting if people came in, to make them more inclined to adopt a pet because they were in that atmosphere.”

Adams discussed the project with the Porter County Maintenance Department, and Maintenance Director Charlotte Miller then asked Massey to lend her talents.

The project at the Animal Shelter is exciting because our goal is to make the shelter brighter and more cheerful,” Massey said. “I’m hoping to even have volunteers from my painting class come out to help with this project.”

Massey said she plans to paint at least three murals at the shelter, all of which will feature pets playing and enjoying the outdoors. She said the project should be complete by the end of March.

We’re hoping it’s going to make (the animal shelter) cheery and pretty,” Porter County Animal Shelter Director Judy Bonaventura said. “We’re trying to make the shelter a better place.

The progress of the mural project can be followed on Porter County Parks and Recreation’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pcparksandrec, where new photos of Massey’s work at the animal shelter are being posted daily.

porter-county-parks-and-recPhoto: Porter County Parks and Recreation Art Instructor Shirley Massey works on one of the murals she is creating at the Porter County Animal Shelter in Valparaiso.

About Porter County Parks and Recreation
The mission of the Porter County Parks and Recreation Board and Department is to preserve, protect and manage the natural, cultural and recreational resources within a diverse park system. We are committed to delivering youth, adult and school programs to the residents of Porter County, while also providing a gateway into the natural beauty of our area through its unique parks and trails. For more information, call 219-465-3586, or e-mail pcparks@porterco.org.