Home»Business»Development»Mahlmann Sits Down with New NWISBDC Director Lorri Feldt (video)

Mahlmann Sits Down with New NWISBDC Director Lorri Feldt (video)

The Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center (www.nwisbdc.org) helps assist current and future small businesses form business plans, a service Lorri Feldt is excited to continue as their new regional director.

"At the Small Business Development Center, we get involved in assisting current business owners, at whatever stage of the business they're involved in”, says Feldt. The NWISBDC also helps by, “assisting start up or entrepreneurs who would like to start a business, maybe have an idea, and are at the idea state, or they're in the process of developing a business plan to make that idea happen."

Others services provided by the NWISBDC include:

  • Counseling on the business planning process
  • Helping entrepreneurs find funding, and coaching them on working with banks
  • Be a sounding board early in the planning stages to determine how their business would fit into the market

Their services are provided at no cost. They are part of the Indiana Small Business Development Center, and receive funding through the Small Business Administration and local partners like Purdue Calumet. They also offer workshops for a small fee to help with topics like branding and demographics.

She points out that despite current economic conditions, a well thought-out, clearly articulated business plan can make the difference when it comes to funding. "Use the business plan like a coach might use a game plan," she explained.

"Sometimes starting a business, or certainly running a business, can be sort of a lonely pursuit. I know current business owners who feel like the world is kind of on their shoulders, and they don't always have a support network around them to provide them advice. We can be one of those supporting roles."

Check out the full interview below!
