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Make A Stand For Clean Water

Summer is hard to picture without water. Taking trips to the beach, watering plants in a garden, and drinking cool glasses of lemonade are typical summer activities in Indiana. LemonAID

But what if there wasn’t any clean water for miles around? This is the reality of over 320 million people in Africa.

We can partner with them to make a difference in their lives and ours.

With your help on September 18, Valpo can make a stand for clean water! Lemon:AID will be a city-wide effort to raise funds to provide clean water for people in Africa who desperately need it. Just $1 provides clean water for one African for an entire year. So many people in Africa do not have clean water and Valpo can help make a difference in their lives.

Pretty soon you’ll see lemons popping up all over the city. On September 18, lemonade stands will be set up all over the city. For $1, you can get a glass of cold lemonade and know all of the money will be sent to Africa to provide clean water. Later on that evening, a closing concert will be held in the courthouse square, providing a night of great music for the whole family.

Options are available to sponsor a lemonade stand or the closing rally stage. Contact lemons@valpograce.com if you or your business is interested in sponsorship opportunities. lemonAIDphoto

For more information about Lemon:AID, check out the Facebook page, call the GracePoint office at 219.242.8290 or email office@valpograce.com.