Making Great Progress!

Especially over the past few days I have been very excited to see the kind of progress this site has made and the way in which everyone is going about working on it and figuring out all the pieces and parts that will not only help us build a great site that is an awesome resource for people in Valparaiso, but also a site that we can easily administer, enhance, and build upon.

Trying new technology, being open to each others ideas about how to organize the content, what tools we can use to display the content, and what kinds of things our readers are really going to want to find on our site and how they are going to want to find it is exciting to be a part of.

Thanks to everyone for all of their help, and let's close out this week with a big day of progress on formalizing the paid profiles, getting the form in place to load up large amounts of content for the free profiles, and beginning to practice blogging by everyone on the team.

This is fun to see this coming together.
