This summer MasterTech Pest Control, a local pest control company that services all of Northwest Indiana, we will be treating an array of stinging insects that frustrate homeowners by living a little too close for comfort. Whether you are seeing Carpenter Bees, Wasps or Hornets - they all have something in common. They are a nuisance at summer picnics and seem to always show themselves when you’ve just sat down on the deck with a good book. MasterTech Pest Control has service options to treat for these stinging pests and can help you identify which one has moved into your neighborhood.
A few facts about the most common nuisance stinging insects in Northwest Indiana:
Carpenter Bees: This bee is actually a wood destroying insect. When you see perfectly round holes in the wood along the eaves of your home you may be seeing carpenter bee damage. They do not eat the wood however, instead they drill tunnels through it in which to lay eggs and raise young. Left untreated, they can grow to large numbers and eventually completely destroy the wood in which they are nesting and tunneling.
Yellow Jackets: The specific type of yellow jacket we are referring to here are the insects that actually like your can of soda-pop more than you do! They are the ones that chase you around at all of the summer festivals. They build their nests in voids in your homes exterior and populations of colonies show dramatic differences in activity during the growing season, as they annually increase exponentially from late May through September.
Paper Wasps: These are the most common wasps found around your home. Their nests are made of "paper" produced from masticated wood pulp and are often found under eves, decks, shutters, gas grills, swing sets and mailboxes.
Hornets: They make paper enclosed nests in trees, shrubs and under eaves that may exceed the size of a football. Nests often resemble an upside down teardrop-shape made of gray paper. Hornets are primarily predators of other insects, rarely visiting garbage or outdoor dining areas.
Ground Bees: These "bees" are actually a type of yellow jacket and are the ones that will chase homeowners around their yards when disturbed. They build hives two inches to two feet underground often using abandoned mole or mouse burrows. They are much smaller than other yellow jackets, but are fairly aggressive and can become very easily agitated – especially with a giant lawnmower rumbling overhead.
These are just a few of the stinging insects we will encounter this summer. There are quite a wide variety of wasps, bees and yellow jackets and a pest professional can accurately identify which insect you are seeing. We definitely take advantage or our gear when dealing with stinging insects. No one wants to be trapped on a ladder trying to deal with a nest of angry stinging insects without protection! For a free estimate on treatment of these or other pests call MasterTech Pest Control at 476-7007 or visit
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