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Moms Helping Moms

MOMS-ClubMOMS Club® of Valparaiso is a support group for moms aimed at helping mothers who stay home during the day or part of the time with their children. We meet a few times each week for park play dates, craft days, tours, or MOM centered activities including a Moms Night Out.

The MOMS Club® also performs service projects benefiting children in need in our community. Last spring we hosted a very successful service project/Easter Egg hunt that raised $2,500 to benefit Housing Opportunities – a local non-profit that helps the homeless in our community.

We have a business meeting the first Wednesday of each month at 10am at Trinity Lutheran Church @ 201 Washington St. in Valparaiso IN. We will be hosting our annual Fall Open House on Fri., Sept. 13th from 10am-12pm at the Valparaiso YMCA. We will have snacks, crafts, and a used toy exchange as well as a great opportunity to meet other stay-at-home moms. So bring the kids and some old toys and join us.

Please contact Laura Wassilak, President, at 219-477-6943 or email: lwassilak@gmail.com or Amanda Putz, Membership VP, at home: 219-531-7450, or cell: 219-465-8465, or email: cousteau1@comcast.net with any membership inquiries.

For questions about the homeless count please contact Kathleen McClure at Housing Opportunities, 219-548-2800 x 205 or kmcclure@housing-opportunities.com