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Mountaintop People – Natalie (Cavanaugh) Mahlmann – St. Paul School Distinguished Graduate Award

Father Joe Pawlowski talked this morning about people that are always striving for that mountaintop and show it in what they do every day.  And how awesome the view is for those that can imagine what that view would look like and do what it takes to get there.  It wasn't any news to me that would be a good lead in to talking about my wife Natalie, but was so proud to hear folks like Father Joe and Principal Jane Scupham recognize Natalie today with the honor of Distinguished Graduate Award from Saint Paul School in Valpo. 

I was so happy for her that I was shaking nervously, as a big group of nice people with many new and old friends through school, church, or life, said with their applause.  They gave her a bright flower, gave her a cool award, and told her she had done a great job for her whole life.

They all got at one moment, how lucky I am every day.  She is smart, dedicated, caring, nice to be around, and humbly works at stuff and climbs that mountain. The things I see 20x a day over about 20 years that we've been together.  Mrs. Scupham touched on her whole life in a snapshot and its connection to St. Paul in so many ways.  From an infant, to a school full of Cavanaughs, her sacraments and stages, our wedding here, and the whole load of stuff that she is involved in at the school and at the church all the time now.  The kind of person that works however they need her and is more of a school mom than a church lady.  Strong, smart, funny, and committed.  The kind of person that I built my whole company principle upon telling the story about.

One of the many perks of running your own publishing company is that you get to publish whatever you want in the end.  People that inspire you to be better, people you admire, people you think are cool, people you want to shout about.  It was awesome today to have a whole Mass full of people say with their hands, their smiles, nods, and congrats afterwards, what anyone that knows her thinks with their heart all the time.  Way to go Natalie.  You are one Distinguished Graduate.