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Multiple Fundraising Opportunities Are Happening for 500 Turkeys

500-TurkeysOn Sunday, September 13th Painting in the Park will be held at Haven Hallow Park in Portage Township. The event will be from 4pm-6pm and is for ages 6 and up. During the fundraising event participants will be painting a Minion painting with instruction from Canvas Escapes. The fee is $22 and that includes all the painting supplies seats are limited to 25 people. You can order tickets online at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/painting-in-the-park-tickets-18225922224. For more information please contact Jessica at: 219-510-7778. 

On Monday, September 21st at Life Bridge Christian Church there will be the 7th Annual Bunco Bash Benefit for 500 Turkeys. The doors will open and the silent auction will begin at 6pm. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/7th-annual-turkey-bunco-silent-auction-tickets-17815376270 . Participants must be 13 years and up for this event and space is limited to 120 seats. For more information please contact Jeni at 219-531-7777 ex.15.

The annual collection campaign has also begun. Churches, organizations, schools, and businesses are all invited to collect food items to be donated to 500 Turkeys in the effort to feeding 1000 local families. If you or your organization would like to help support 500 Turkeys by collecting food please visit http://vols.pt/qKwLz1 and sign up today. If you have questions please contact Jessica at 219-510-7778.