I would like to say, with all that is going on around us economy wise, one way I have found to save some money but still have a great browsing experience is a visit to the public library (I really do love to shop).
In the recent past, as even Sex in the City has noted, the fad of going to bookstores rather than the library to stock up on new materials has been quite prevalent. Sure, there's no place to purchase a gourmet coffee drink or to get anything gift-wrapped, but when you want to go browsing but are strapped for cash, the public library beats them all.
Where else can you stock up on magazines, books, movies and music free of charge? Where else can you participate in community enriching programs such as ghost hunting and painting? Not to mention the programs they have for children, which are both entertaining and enlightening. Remember, at the public library, you can use a computer with Internet access for free too! How awesome is that when you need your ValpoLife fix?!
Of course, there is a certain amount of responsibility that goes along with having your own library card. I've even heard (not sure of the extent of truth behind it), that unpaid overdue fines have gone as far to damage a credit score. Remember when those books and things are due! Ask if there's an email notification system. If you know you won't be able to make it in time to return a due item, renew it over the Internet!
I suggest to everyone, if you haven't ever, or haven't been in awhile, make a trip to the public library. One week bring your family, the next, bring your friends. You may be surprised what you find, and what those your with find as well! My recent favorite finds: a yoga dvd, a Ween CD and critically acclaimed international film, "The Grocers Son". Take a look at recent articles and programs going on at the Porter County Library System, I hope you like what you find as much as I do!