Home»Community»Education»Natural Helpers Winter Retreat Meeting at VHS

Natural Helpers Winter Retreat Meeting at VHS

Natural-HelpersThe Natural Helpers 2011 winter retreat is coming up. On Tuesday, January 4th, the students who are planning on attending were asked to go to an informative meeting with their parents regarding the upcoming retreat.

As the lines formed to enter the VHS cafeteria, students and parents moved through a photo booth to take a humorous photo with their parents. Everyone was encouraged to put on masks and funny clothing as they passed through.

After the photos, the families gathered in the cafeteria to talk with the leaders of the Natural Helpers organization and hear from past attendees of the retreat, also known as the "Rainbow Staff". The Rainbow Staff consisted of 9 seniors who applied to help out over the weekend. Each of the 9 were specifically chosen to help from 40 applicant, showing how much of an honor it is to be a part of the retreat.

Natural-Helpers-(3)Lined up in a row, each leader on the Rainbow Staff talked with the room about what the past retreat meant to them individually and taught them about themselves. The benefits of the retreat, according to the Rainbow Staffers, ranged from "realizing we need to make the best of our time" to "knowing that you don't have to be alone and that there are people who genuinely care".

The history of Natural Helpers was presented to the parents to help them understand the kind of legacy it holds at Valparaiso High School and surrounding schools. The students were then taken by the Rainbow Staff to do group activities while the adults in charge-- such as Marilyn Hanson and Jennine Schott, two of the chaperones attending the retreat, talked with the parents about the upcoming events of the weekend planned.

It was important for the Rainbow Staff to share the importance of the retreat's history with the parents so they be informed about what happens on the retreat while keeping that a surprise for the students.

We hope the students enjoy the experience as they attend this great opportunity to learn about themselves, and how to look past themselves to help others.
