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NeighborLink Porter County

Larry and I have really enjoyed our involvement with Sharefest.  So much so, that we decided to look into a way to continue the efforts of Sharefest on a daily basis.  As we explored the different possibilities we learned about NeighborLink Fort Wayne.  A faith based non-profit organization designed to link people with a heart to help others together with people with needs.  As we looked into NLFW we learned that it was very close to what we envisioned our organization to look like.  NeighborLink is our local mission to serve the needs of our neighbors.  So we need volunteers to fill these needs.  If you know someone with this gift or heart then please let us know.  Otherwise we will be happy to help the members of your community in anyway we can.  We visited Fort Wayne recently to get a look at the projects and meet with the leaders of NLFW.  We were very impressed and pleased to see that this is exactly what we envision NLPC to be.

What is NeighborLink Porter County?

  • Practical neighbor to neighbor expressions of God's love.

How does it work?

  • Web based network with three primary functions: Project planning, Project selection, and volunteer sign-up.
  • Project posting - work that you or someone you know needs help with.
  • NLPC coaches then evaluate the projects for how many volunteers and or materials are needed.
  • Persons can then volunteer time or donate materials for the project selected.  This is totally free of charge to the recipient with no donations accepted.

Why are we doing this?

  • The founders of NeighborLink desired to respond to the love of God they have received.
  • God is pleased when people, out of gratitude for what he has done, extend this kindness to others especially when in need.

What is the catch?

  • No catch, other than for the people served to realize God loves them.
  • Participants are doing their best to show "neighborly love".
  • No strings attached.

What is a Coach?

  • A NieghborLink trained person who receives a host of community- building, project definition and coordination skills.
  • Once approved the coach's web page will expand and will show the projects available on the NLPC web site.  Also, access to previously registered coaches with tools, skills, etc... is available.
  • Someone willing and able to lead a team and complete projects posted on the NLPC web site.

What is a Volunteer? Register on the NLPC web site as a volunteer to:

  • Access projects posted by coaches.
  • Agree to participate in project team to complete a specific project.

What is a Project?

  • A task or a group of tasks that have been posed to the NLPC website because someone has a particular need.
  • Posted tasks will include location, time and date, and a brief description of the task.

Our vision is that churches all over the country will be using this site.  You can view it here, at www.neighborhoodlinkpc.org. We hope that you will be able to partner with us to give as Christ gave.


Larry and Judy Alders

NeighborhoodLink Porter County Founders
