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NIPSCO Assists Meals on Wheels

Meals-on-WheelsFor the past several years Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana has provided emergency meals to our homebound and elderly clients. On Friday, December 12, 2014, several Rate Department employees from Nipsco, Merrillville, volunteered to pack emergency shelf-stable meals for our clients. Over 20 employees came to the Meals on Wheels offices in Merrillville to pack over 720 emergency meals with items for our clients to use in the off-chance inclement weather would prevent Meals on Wheels from delivering their meals.

The group of volunteers, led by supervisor, Linda Miller, took on the task of packing the meals and had them completed in record time. The meals consisting of shelf stable items are provided to our clients to ensure they will have nourishment should we not be able to deliver in poor weather. The Nipsco team also provided snacks for the clients. The meals were then distributed to our elderly and home bound clients by volunteers the following week.

“It is corporations like Nipsco that help us keep our Mission, delivering nutritious meals to the community through the use of volunteers, we could not get these meals together so quickly without the support of the Nipsco team of volunteers”, according to Joan Vith, Volunteer Manager.

Established in 1977, Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana is a community based and volunteer driven not-for-profit agency. Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals to the homebound elderly, ill, disabled, senior sites and to children in daycare centers throughout Lake County. For more information visit www.mealsonwheelsnwindiana.org