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NIRPC Federal Planning Certification Review Announced

NirpcGBLogocopyThe Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have announced they will conduct the certification review of the transportation planning process for the Northwestern Indiana metropolitan planning area on June 18-20. This is the planning process conducted by the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) and its planning partners, including operators of public transportation, the Indiana Department of Transportation and other stakeholders.

The review will begin on June 18 at the NIRPC offices in Portage and will focus on the cooperative planning process as conducted the Indiana Department of Transportation, NIRPC, transit providers and local governments in the metropolitan planning area. The sessions will be conducted by FTA and FHWA with NIRPC, INDOT and transit staff.

There will be two opportunities for the public, NIRPC board members, and special interest groups to talk directly with FHWA and FTA in an open public meeting concerning their views on the transportation planning process being conducted in Northwestern Indiana. On Tuesday, June 18 the first of 2 public hearings will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the NIRPC offices at 6100 Southport Road, Portage. The second public hearing will be held on Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Indiana University Northwest, Savannah Center Building’s Bruce Bergland Auditorium. It is located at 33rd Avenue and Broadway in Gary. The review will wrap up with a federal agency presentation of preliminary findings to the NIRPC board, which will meet at 9:00 on Thursday, June 20 at the NIRPC office.

The certification reviews are conducted every 4 years with the objective of evaluating and enhancing the transportation planning process relative to the federal planning regulations. The review will highlight good practices, exchange information, and identify opportunities for improvements.

Requests for alternate formats, such as large print or recorded materials, please contact Mary Thorne at NIRPC at (219) 763-6060 extension 131 or at mthorne@nirpc.org.  Individuals with hearing impairments may contact NIRPC through the Indiana Relay 711 service by calling 711 or (800) 743-3333. Requests for reasonable accommodations for the public meetings may also be directed to Mary Thorne at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting.