The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) recently released information and the Request for Proposals for the 2013 Clean Diesel Project across Northern Indiana Grant. This competitive grant program is designed to award public and private organizations with funds to assist with the replacement, re-power or retrofit of current diesel vehicles.
South Shore Clean Cities (SSCC) is currently seeking project proposals to be included in a collaborative grant application for the Diesel Emission Reduction Grant Program. These proposals are due to Stephanie at SSCC by 5:00 P.M. CST on Friday, December 7th. For information about the collaborative application and instructions on submitting a project proposal please contact our office at 219-644-3690.
The fleet data sheet provides information to SSCC about your proposed project and allows us to quantify the emission reductions that the proposed project will generate. Please complete the form by filling in information about your organization in section 1, information about the project in section 2, and detailed information about the vehicles that will be replaced, re-powered or retrofitted in section 3.
SSCC will use the scoring criteria detailed in the Clean Diesel Projects Across Northern Indiana document to determine the partner project proposals that are most competitive and that will be included in the SSCC Northern Indiana Collaborative Proposal. Partners selected to be included in the final application will receive notification on December 10th.
As grant proposal development is a benefit that is offered to various SSCC members, all organizations with projects included in the Collaborative Application must be members in good standing with SSCC before the application is submitted on December 14th. For more information about membership costs and benefits, please visit the SSCC membership page. Additional information about the grant program can be found at
Questions about the Northern Indiana Clean Diesel Projects across Northern Indiana on can be directed to Stephanie Smith, at 219-644-3690.
Thanks, Your South Shore Clean Cities Team