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Northwest Indiana Families Turn Out for March for Babies

March-of-Dimes-Walking-for-BabiesMarch of Dimes Fights for Healthy Babies

Holding a newborn baby for the first time is a special feeling known by many moms - but not all. For mothers of premature babies it may be days, if not months, before they can cuddle their child. More than half a million babies are born premature each year, with families who yearn to reach out and touch them.

Each year thousands of these families affected by premature birth and birth defects come together to fight for babies with the March of Dimes and take part in March for Babies. They form family teams to walk in March for Babies in honor of their own child and to help other families avoid the trauma they went through.

The birth of a baby should be a joyous occasion for all families, but we know first hand it doesn’t always happen that way,” said Lisa Stacy, team captain of Stacy Stampede and March of Dimes Board member. “My family was devastated when our son spent 105 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and our daughter spent 28 days in the NICU years later. With the support of the March of Dimes they are now happy, spirited kids despite their ongoing health challenges. This is why I walk.”

The most urgent infant health problem in the U.S. today is premature birth. It affects more than half a million babies each year, 1 in 7 babies in Indiana, with the number growing every day. Babies born too soon are more likely to die or have disabilities. The March of Dimes is committed to reducing this toll by funding research to find the answers to premature birth and providing comfort and information to families who are affected. Through research and community programs, the March of Dimes helps moms have full-term pregnancies and babies to begin healthy lives.

On Saturday, April 30th in Valparaiso and Sunday, May 1st in Highland, we invite all families and local businesses to join us,” said Matt Valuckis, March of Dimes Board Chair. "Last year, we had nearly 2,000 people participate in March for Babies and we are looking forward to an even bigger turnout this year for this family-friendly day. Our hope is one day all babies will be born healthy.

The walk starts at www.marchforbabies.org. Just visit the website to get started. To sign up by phone, call 219-736-0023.

The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide and its premier event, March for Babies the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. For the latest resources and information, visit marchofdimes.com or nacersano.org.