The Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority has issued a notice regarding the public comment period on the Draft Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives and Environmental Response Actions at the former Ambassador Hotel & Apartments Building site in Gary.
Public comment on the Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) for the proposed environmental response actions at the former Ambassador Hotel & Apartments Building Site, 574 Monroe Street, Gary, Indiana, will be received from June 5, 2015 until June 26, 2015 at the following locations:
Ms. Jillian Huber Grants Manager Northwest Indiana Brownfields Coalition 9800 Connecticut Drive Crown Point, IN 46307 Phone: (219) 644-3500 Email:
Mr. Jack Eskin Deputy Director City of Gary Redevelopment Commission 839 Broadway, Suite S200 Gary, Indiana 46402 Phone: (219) 886-1531 Email:
Comments can be submitted in writing, by email, or verbally by prior appointment.
The environmental response actions on the property, parcel identification number 45-08-04-403-032-000-004, will be funded by a loan from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority's U.S. EPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Grant.
Copies of the draft ABCA and other project documents are available for public inspection and review at the project document repositories located at the offices of the Northwest Indiana Brownfields Coalition and at the City of Gary Redevelopment Commission. Please note that all aspects of the ABCA are open for comment.
Further information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Huber or Mr. Eskin.