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October is a Busy Month at Cooks Corners!

vhs logoAre you ready for some football? Come to the VHS homecoming game this Friday night, October 5th. Join other Cooks families as we cheer on the Vikings. We do NOT have a reserved seating section. We will try to sit at the north end of the bleachers. Game time is 7:00. Come early to get a seat. Pack a dinner and tailgate at 5:30 in the parking lot nearest the north gate for the football stadium (closest to the baseball and soccer fields). To celebrate homecoming and Viking football, wear VALPO GREEN on Friday, October 5th.

Walkathon Week is coming! Cruising for Cooks is our largest fundraiser. With a goal of $8,000, this event funds the majority of PTA events for the school year. These dollars impact every student and teacher in our building, as they help provide classroom supplies for teachers, support our academic bowl teams, offset field trip expenses, provide school-wide assemblies, fund our school-wide Art Appreciation, and more. Your support is needed. Please help your child strive for $35 in donations. Please remember that donation folders and decorated shoes are due by Friday, October 5th. During walkathon week there will be a variety of fitness related special events happening at recess, sponsored by the PTA and the walkathon committee. THANK YOU for your support!

Our next PTA meeting will take place on Monday, October 8th at 8:45 AM in Mr. Webster's room. Drop your kids off for school and stay for our meeting. The agenda will be sent out at the end of the week.

Mark your calendars for our SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN EVENT on Friday, October 19th. This is a costume-friendly family event. Watch backpacks in October for more information.

Do you have a budding artist at home? Does your child like to write stories? Reflections is a National PTA sponsored Fine Arts competition and showcase. Students are able to take photographs, create works of art, or write stories to submit for this event. All artists will be recognized in a ceremony at Cooks Corners, and several entries will be selected for the state-level competition. Watch backpacks for information coming home soon!

As we move from warm weather to cooler weather, considering pulling out those out-grown, unwanted kid's clothing items for our LAUNDRY BASKET WARS October 22 - 24. This competition-style clothing and book drive supports our spring clothing sale. We accept gently-used kid's clothing items, sizes 4 - 16 and gently-used children's books.

Halloween BOX TOP sheets have come home. Please attach your box tops and return the sheets to school. Make sure to indicate your child's classroom on the completed pages. Clipping and submitting box tops is an easy way to support your child's school. Thank you for your help!

With so much happening, we need to send a shout out to all of our volunteers who are making these events possible. There are many folks working hard to make these things happen. We sincerely appreciate your efforts! THANK YOU.