Home»Other»Officer Reeder Nominated for Heroic Bravery

Officer Reeder Nominated for Heroic Bravery

Justin-ReederOfficer Justin Reeder has been nominated to be an All Star for America’s Most Wanted. Officer Reeder was nominated by a Porter County resident for his heroic bravery in helping a man and his dog out of their burning house.

Please show your support for Officer Reeder by going to www.amw.com and clicking on the All Star box in the upper right corner, then pull up Officer Reeder’s profile and vote for him daily. Voting ends April 1! There are weekly winners for the All Star contest that are determined by America’s popular vote. The weekly winners will then compete for the national All Star winner by popular vote again.

The national winner will get a $10,000 prize, be recognized during National Police Week in Washington DC, and will attend the Sprint Nascar Race to be recognized as well. Let’s all join together for the next few weeks and vote for Officer Reeder daily, so that he will be our hometown All Star!! AMW-All-Star