Home»Health»Nutrition & Exercise»One-Day “Challenge” Part of Year-Long Push for Healthy Habits at Ben Franklin Middle School

One-Day “Challenge” Part of Year-Long Push for Healthy Habits at Ben Franklin Middle School

Game-OnBen Franklin Middle School will host a special Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge event on May 26, from 3 – 7 p.m. on the Ben Franklin football field and track. Our one-day walk-a-thon will incorporate nutrition, physical activity and learning through a series of high energy activities. Participation by students and their parents and siblings is encouraged!

The walk-a-thon and physical and nutrition activities reinforce two themes that Ben Franklin has been integrating throughout the school campus this year – namely, Making Better Food Choices and Moving More. Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge gives students the opportunity to learn more about what the Dietary Guidelines for Americans calls “Food Groups to Encourage.” These foods – fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and fat-free milk provide essential nutrients that are too often missing in many Americans’ diets. Students and their families have also had opportunities to participate in ”Moving More” activities before, during and after school to help them achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity a day.


The “Game On” grant we received this school year has been a huge success allowing us to teach beyond our usual curriculum. We would like to continue to emphasize the importance of good nutrition and physical activity to that same intensity by continuing the “Game On” lessons for the 2011-2012 school year. For the final “Game On” challenge, students will participate in a walk-a-thon by walking laps around the Ben Franklin track on the event day. Ben Franklin students will encourage their family to participate and sponsor them with a donation before the event. Our goal is to encourage each family be able to collect $5 in donations. Every Ben Franklin student, regardless of pledges, can participate. We will also donate 10% of the proceeds to the American Heart Association to promote a “Heart Healthy” lifestyle.

More than one million American children are overweight – triple the number in 1980. To curb the growing obesity epidemic, school districts nationwide are developing and implementing school wellness policies unique to each district to improve nutrition and increase physical activity. Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge supports Ben Franklin’s long-term, comprehensive wellness policy and practices.