Home»Community»Serving»Online Donations Now Being Accepted by Christian Community Action for its Spring Valley Homeless Shelter

Online Donations Now Being Accepted by Christian Community Action for its Spring Valley Homeless Shelter

Christian Community Action of Porter County (CCA) is now accepting donations on-line for its Spring Valley Homeless Shelter and the programs it sponsors. “More and more people are taking advantage of the convenience of on-line payments and donations” said Lisa Pavlopoulos, finance director, “and that’s why we are adopting it for Christian Community Action of Porter County.”

CCA has two mail donation requests per year and other programs and events to raise awareness and funds. “Our needs are year round,” Pavlopoulos added, “and the on-line appeal allows donors to make a donation at any time.”

Donors can make a donation using a Pay Pal account or credit cards, whichever is preferred by going to the CCA website www.ccatransforms.org .

“The on-line facility for donations is new to us and we hope it brings more people in to make donations to the Shelter,” Pavlopoulos stated. “At a future date, we expect to expand the on-line donation program to including subscriptions, so donors can make donations on a schedule throughout the year.”

Pavlopoulos explained: “In-kind donations from food to furniture continue to be needed, however, monetary donations are especially important for on-going costs including mortgage payments, utilities, case management, staffing -- all significant expenditures required to make the shelter available day-to-day to those in need of this transitional housing as well as the programs aimed at ending their homelessness.”

CCA’s website is: www.ccatransforms.org . A donation button is displayed in the upper right corner of the opening web page. Clicking it takes you to a secure website where information in collected from the donor to make the donation.