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An Open Invitation

Thank you for visiting the worship page of ValpoLife!  As you may already know, we strive to be an innovative new connection point to a fast-growing online community of Valparaiso area citizens. Our goal is to be a comprehensive, media rich, and actively growing website for all of Valparaiso, with substantial content contributions from a variety of Valpo residents, business leaders, and organizations about our city.  Right now we are looking for contributions from pastors and worship leaders! 

There are many ways in which anybody can participate.

I would like to personally invite you to start contributing anything you deem appropriate to publish on ValpoLife’s Worship page.  This includes newsletters, announcements, events and photos.  If you have a blog, we could also use ValpoLife as an exposure source.   If you have a media list which receives all of your press releases, please add contribute@valpolife.com to that list. 

The site is being received with great enthusiasm by city officials, Valparaiso University, civic organizations, many major companies.  Please shoot me any questions that you may have (chris@valpolife.com), and forward along to anyone you feel would be interested in ValpoLife! In the meantime, please follow us on twitter, @ValpoLife, and look for us on Facebook and LinkedIn too!