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Parkview School Mural

“In Our School We Learn And Grow Together In Our Own Unique Way” 2010 Parkview Elementary School parkview-elementary

Fish Mural Builds Community and Helps Children to learn about Diversity.

Parkview Elementary School Art teacher, Mary Austin teamed up with 285 elementary students to create an all school mural. The underwater scene consists of four- 5’ by 3’ panels located just outside the Parkview cafeteria. The wood panel covered with a vibrant blue foil establishes the underwater background and home for hundreds of clay fish. Each student in the school has contributed to the mural. Small fish, large fish, colorful fish, shiny fish and unique fish all represent diversity. Similar to Marcus Pfister’s children’s book “The Rainbow Fish”, Austin has used this project to help the children at Parkview understand each other and respect and appreciate their differences. Students were excited and enthusiastic about the project, which rippled throughout the school community. Visitors even stop to admire the eye catching scene. The result - a colorful and more beautiful school community!
