Porter County Aging and Community Services’ board of directors is examining initial steps toward establishing a more widespread adult guardianship program in Porter County.
“We would love input from community members who have ideas or suggestions on how such a service could be developed here in our county,” said Bruce Lindner, PCACS executive director. “We also would welcome any individuals who would be interested in being a part of our board’s ad hoc committee, which is further exploring this matter.”
At a recent PCACS board meeting, Amber Poff, executive director and staff attorney at LaPorte-based Indiana Guardianship Services, outlined what her agency is all about and how it serves the community.
The program allows the agency to serve as a guardian for adults who have been adjudicated incapacitated and have no other viable alternative for a guardian. The agency utilizes trained professionals as well as volunteers to advocate for at-risk adults, including 50 in LaPorte County and eight in Porter County.
“Whereas children have foster families, there is no adult equivalent,” Poff said. “Sometimes there is no one willing, able or appropriate to serve as a guardian to an individual. We work to maintain the safety and dignity of the individuals that we serve.”
Lindner said there is a real need in Porter County for this type of service and the board is looking at how to move forward in order to work with IGS and help it serve even more Porter County residents.
“I get calls all of the time from individuals whose family members are at the end of life and they don’t know what to do,” Lindner said. “We are discussing how we can collaborate with IGS to assist with expanding here in Porter County and we will continue to delve into the topic throughout the summer to see if we can get something launched.”
Community members interested in serving on the committee or who have input on this subject should contact Lindner at (219) 465-7144 or bhlindner@portercountyacs.org.
PCACS’ mission is to extend a helping hand to seniors, those with disabilities and low-income residents by providing services to improve their quality of life, including transportation, energy and emergency assistance, Section 8 and ramp programs.
For more information, visit www.portercountyacs.org.