Home»Sports»High Schools»PCCTC Video Productions and Media Studies Class to Broadcast Valpo vs. Penn 2016 Sectional Football Game Live on ValpoLife.com

PCCTC Video Productions and Media Studies Class to Broadcast Valpo vs. Penn 2016 Sectional Football Game Live on ValpoLife.com

LaPorte Valpo FB SEPT2-106The Porter County Career and Technical Center’s Video Production and Media Studies class will broadcast Friday’s Valparaiso High School Sectional football game at the Penn Kingsmen on ValpoLife.com!

Wheeler High School senior Payton Ball will be doing play by play for the broadcast, with Valpo junior Colin Thompson doing color commentary. Kickoff will be at 6:30pm CST, with the broadcast beginning at 6:15pm.

The entire multi-camera production will be produced by the students in the Video Production & Media Studies class. The class will be streaming the video for free. Please remember the stream is produced by students, and is not meant to replace actually going to the game!

The video stream will be located below and also on our home page: www.ValpoLife.com