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PCFCC Stress Management Group

Porter County Family Counseling Center is a non-profit dedicated to providing quality mental helath cousneling services to members of our community.

Through educational activities and services, we empower individuals and families to enhance and improve their quality of life.

Stress! We all have it and we all manage it in differenct ways. Some ways can be very costly and lead to out of control behaviors. This group will explore the variety of ways we can all get off track and become caught in self-destructive ways of coping. It will also focus on positive coping skills that can be used to help with stress.

The PCFCC Stress Management Group will meet on  Tuesdays begining September 15, 2009 Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm

For more information, please contact: Eli Cochrane at 219.464.3919 or at ecochrane@pcfcc.org.  There is a sliding scale fee, based on income.