Home»Business»Development»Ped, Pedal & Paddle Committee Meeting March 28, 2013

Ped, Pedal & Paddle Committee Meeting March 28, 2013

NirpcGBLogocopyThere are LOTS of DOLLARS flowing around…

Bob Bronson, Section Chief for the IDNR’s Division of Outdoor Recreation will be on hand to present on and take questions about the current round of funding for the Recreational Trail Program (RTP), AND special funding under the Bicentennial Nature Trust (BNT) for trail and park acquisition in celebration of Indiana’s 200th birthday in 2016. Bob will also speak of other IDNR programs of interest including the Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

What to do with OUR share of the STP Pie?

That is correct – the Surface Transportation Program committee has decided to GIVE the 3PC the authority to directly program $800,000 in STP group 1 funding over the next two years for bike and pedestrian-related projects…ONLY! This money is to be used for projects in Lake and Porter County, and the 3PC will need to decide what projects are to be allowed for consideration. This cycle will commence with the TAP program…

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) – Funding Cycle Details

The newly-revised TAP application is just about ready for release in mid-April. Come hear the details for the next cycle of funding.


Scope Change Requests and Cornucopia '13 update!

TTY users may access the Relay Indiana Service by calling 711 or 1-800-743-3333. Available in alternate format upon request

Reasonable Accommodations: Requests for American Sign Language Interpreters may be made 72 hours in advance to Mitch Barloga at 219-763-6060, or mbarloga@nirpc.org