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Peyton’s Monday Surprise – Puppy Chow

Are you in need of some love from your family or maybe even just some spice in your day?  Well...say no more!  Those days are over, way over. Every Monday, your life will be turned upside down due to a wonderful miracle in all of ValpoLife Creations.
"Peyton's Monday Surprise" featuring the one and only, Peyton Mahlmann, now has you on the edge of your chair.  So throw on your apron, and let’s get started. Today’s topic is the all-time popular Puppy Chow.

Puppy Chow serves as a great after school snack or even for watching movies on a Friday night. Puppy Chow includes a variety of ingredients that will leave your taste buds on a path to heaven.  Puppy Chow is a great munch for your mouth; not only is it delicious, but it is also an easy-to-make bake. For only taking about 10-20 minutes, I’m sure that will make your mess even less messy.
The ingredients for puppy Chow include:
9 cups            Rice Chex
1 cup              Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup           Peanut Butter
1/4 cup           Butter
1/4 tsp            Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 cups       Powdered Sugar

Now, if you are one of those people who don’t pay a single bit of attention to the serving sizes, then you and I are buddies. If you feel that you need to make more puppy chow, then be my guest because when God said, "Let there be light", he meant he needed more light to shine on even more Puppy Chow!  So make MORE! The word "leftovers" was made for a reason.

Now time for the preparation of the soon to be your favorite Puppy Chow:

  1. Pour Rice Chex in Bowl and set aside.
  2. In a microwave safe bowl, mix the chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter and put in microwave for 2 min.
  3. Next, stir in vanilla and put in the microwave for an additional minute. Finally, stir it all together and maybe do a finger lick to make sure it's not "poisonous".
  4. Now, bring back the Rice Chex! Mix together the yummy mixture of chocolatey goodness and Rice Chex and make sure you coat each Chex with the chocolate/peanut butter mixture.
  5. Place the Rice Chex in an appropriate-sized Ziploc bag and leave nothing out cause we want every bit of this recipe to make a path to heaven for our taste buds.
  6. Pour the powdered sugar into the bag and don’t be worried to add in a little extra because we all know that when you mix powdered sugar with more powdered sugar, you'll just get more powdered sugar and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with that! ;)
  7. Zip the bag closed and shake until your mouth drops open and you spy the most delicious thing on God's green earth. 

Now before you can dig in, the Puppy Chow needs some time to chill and relax because, after all, it’s the VIP of your kitchen! After the Puppy Chow has cooled for at least 10 minutes on a cookie sheet, the digging in may begin and the audience of Peyton’s fans may roar and clap with cheer! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Feel free to share this recipe with family and friends and make this your family favorite! Hope you enjoy the food and my humor!
Make sure you stay tuned for more updates on Peyton's Surprise View of Life!

Side note:  Puppy Chow is particularly not for puppies (or dogs, for that matter!)
And...Always remember, Stay Classy Valpo!