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Pinata Challenge!

Help SALT raise $1000 this week for their Casas for Kids Campaign! casasIf our goal is reached, President Mark Heckler and Provost Mark Schwehn will combat head to head in a Pinata Challenge! You can always donate to our fundraiser by writing checks to Valparaiso University with "Casas4Kids" in the memo line or by following this link to our online donation system: https://www.valpo.edu/wrc/

The Social Action Leadership Team (SALT) is the social justice ministry of the Chapel of the Resurrection on Valparaiso University's campus. This spring, SALT is working hard to raise $12,500 to fund the building of a foster home on Omotepe Island in Nicaragua. In conjunction, SALT is trying to educate campus and the surrounding communities about Nicaragua, and the importance of having a nurturing and secure home as a child.

You can find out more info about the project here: http://www.valpo.edu/chapel/news/casas-for-kids-case.php