Home»Entertainment»Arts»Poem of the Week: “A Dream of Hoops” by H. Palmer Hall

Poem of the Week: “A Dream of Hoops” by H. Palmer Hall

vprThe VPR Poem of the Week is H. Palmer Hall’s “A Dream of Hoops,” which appeared in the Fall/Winter 2009-2010 issue (Volume XI, Number 1) of Valparaiso Poetry Review.

H. Palmer Hall is the author of seven books of poetry and essays, including Foreign and Domestic and Coming to Terms. His work has appeared in a number of periodicals, including Ascent, Florida Review, North American Review, Palo Alto Review, and Texas Review, as well as such anthologies as American Diaspora and In a Fine Frenzy. Hall has been inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters, and he is Director of the Louis J. Blume Library at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, where he also has taught literature and creative writing.

Tuesday of each week One Poet’s Notes highlights an excellent work by a poet selected from the issues of Valparaiso Poetry Review, except when other posts with news or updates preempt the usual appearance of this item, with the recommendation that readers revisit it.