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Poem of the Week: “Passing September” by Charles Fishman

vprThe VPR Poem of the Week is Charles Fishman’s “Passing September,” which appeared in the Spring/Summer 2003 issue (Volume IV, Number 2) of Valparaiso Poetry Review.

Charles Fishman served as director of the Distinguished Speakers Program at the State University of New York at Farmingdale from 2001 to 2007, where he previously directed the Visiting Writers Program for 18 years. His books include Water Under Water, Chopin's Piano, Mortal Companions, Country of Memory, Time Travel Reports, The Firewalkers, Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust, and The Death Mazurka.

Tuesday of each week One Poet’s Notes highlights an excellent work by a poet selected from the issues of Valparaiso Poetry Review, except when other posts with news or updates preempt the usual appearance of this item, with the recommendation that readers revisit it.