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Poem of the Week: “Aphasia” by Jennifer MacPherson

vprThe VPR Poem of the Week is Jennifer MacPherson’s “Aphasia,” which appeared in the Spring/Summer 2008 issue (Volume IX, Number 2) of Valparaiso Poetry Review.

Jennifer MacPherson is a founding editor of Comstock Review, and she currently serves as Senior Editor. Her work has been published widely in such journals as Calyx, Connecticut Review, Louisiana Literature, The MacGuffin, Poet Lore, Poetry International, Sulphur River Literary Review, and South Carolina Review. She is the author Stuck in Time (2002) and Greatest Hits (2001), both from Pudding House Press. Her other collections include A Nickel Tour of the Soul (FootHills Press, 2004), and In the Mixed Gender of the Sea (Spire Press, 2004) which won the Spire Press Poetry Book Award. Her latest book is Rosary of Bones (Cherry Grove Collections, 2007). A school psychologist for over twenty-five years, MacPherson lives in Syracuse, NY.

Tuesday of each week One Poet’s Notes highlights an excellent work by a poet selected from the issues of Valparaiso Poetry Review, except when other posts with news or updates preempt the usual appearance of this item, with the recommendation that readers revisit it.